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I get asked all the time how I’m getting booked for so many speaking gigs.

Firstly, I am a natural speaker.
Always have been.

I’ve been winning public speaking competitions since I was like 9 or 10 years old.

I went on to be a Spelling Bee champion for a few years and actually have connected my ability to speak in front of any crowd because of those years of experience.

Seriously, have you ever competed in a Spelling Bee?

Try it.

You stand on stage in front of a room packed full of all sorts of people and the judges sit in a panel row up front and shout out a word.

You repeat the word, spell it and then repeat the word again.

I loved it – I’ve got the trophies to prove I’m not full of jokes here.

Anyway, back to my post.
I’m a natural and confident speaker.

I’ve taken the stage at so many different events it’s crazy-awesome.

I have been building relationships with people out of a genuine desire to impact others and it has allowed me to get the gigs.

I love speaking and I love sharing my messages.

I know how to ENGAGE an audience.

I am captivating.

I can speak to children, teens, adults.

I deliver a gourmet of talks and I love every experience.


I’m visible.

I reach out.

I have word of mouth referrals coming out the WAZOOOO.

Let me tell you something.

There’s this weird idea out there that you won’t get a speaking contract unless you perfect your talk.

I refuse to believe it’s all about the talk.

I don’t care who argues with me.

Yes, you continuously grow as a speaker the more you speak.

But C’MON.

When someone hires you and pays you $$$$ They are not just paying for your talk.

They’re paying for your personality to show up and entertain and inform the crowd.

They’re paying for the experience.

Do not hide on the sidelines because you haven’t perfected your talk.

If you’ve got a message to share – stop playing tiny.

You can’t get booked if you’re not visible.

P.S. I’m super passionate about this topic.
Not only because I’m a very successful speaker but because too many people are making money coaching women to speak and aren’t thinking outside the box. Too many women are trying to fit into their coaches view of a great speaker. WRONG.

P.P.S. Want to grow your speaking business by being YOU?
Get on my list. Why? Because I believe in making money using your voice and I’m sharing tips, tools, and mindset pizzazz to get you living a life you actually want.

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